Wednesday, June 23, 2010

And the thunder rolls

Video quality doesn't do this clip was one heck of a light show last night. Sound quality is good and pretty cool, neat to listen to. A little wind damage to the corn, but nothing major for my area. Ended up with 1.6 inches of rain.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Finished up side-dressing yesterday

Corn is looking great....and now with the rest of the nitrogen on, it will really take off. Now I need to focus on spraying. As the corn is getting tall the weeds are really getting tall. Who would have guesses we would go from three weeks of dryness, to one week of rain. We are expected to get rain again tonight (1/2 to 3/4 of an inch). But from now on I will not turn down rain, because as the crop growth rate picks up the need for water and nutrients also picks up.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Nothing beats a great wife that is a great chef!

Not trying to be cheesy, my wife made a great meal for supper tonight. For starters fresh ciabatte bread with fresh sliced tomato and fresh mozzarella cheese. Main course was crab alfredo topped with fresh tomato. Yeah, it was great.

Video of corn last Friday

Friday, June 11, 2010

Good dog

Corn looking nice. I am still working on getting my side-dressing done.....between rains that is. I had some spots that were knee high by the fourth of June, but now a week later I would say the majority of my corn is knee high.

New video coming later today.

Here is a picture of my rainy day project. I am making up a 20 foot boom for spraying fencelines, end rows, ditches, and lawns. The new tank is 100 gallon vs. my old sprayer was only 25 gallon. Hopefully I will be able to get more done this way.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Side dressing Nitrogen

Corn is getting to tall to pick rock anymore, so here is a picture of the final pile for the spring.

Next I need to focus on getting the rest of my nitrogen on. To do this I am sidedressing 28%. I have to do this on 370 of my 570 acres. The rest got fall applied anhydrous (it wasn't working very well last fall due to the massive amount of trash, so I gave up after 200 acres). Sidedressing is a great way to give a corn plant a boost of nitrogen right when the plant is growing the most, and also the split application helps reduce leeching of nitrogen.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pond project

My parents have been working on a weekend "cabin". They live about an hour away, and this will give them a place to stay a little closer to the farm I live on, and my dad grew up on. For the last two weeks the pond has been being dug, and as of 2 pm yesterday, it is officially filling.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

More corn pics

Thing have progressed nicely over the weekend. A lot of nice heat, a tenth of an inch of rain, and more rain and heat in the forecast for this week. I would be willing to bet I will have some corn knee high by the fourth of June (something that hasn't happened in quite a while). Maybe not entire fields, but parts of some.

May two pics today show the corn planted April 15th. It is my worst looking field due to the troubles it had overcoming the frost damage. Most of my other fields are around six leaf stage and range from 8-12 inches tall. Corn can really begin to grow fast at this stage. The rest of my fields look very uniform.