Thursday, July 22, 2010

Beautiful Beans

Stopped to check on my beans yesterday. I was very impressed how they have been handling the excess moisture and now the heat. The rows were not quite shaded, but that is normal with this variety (NK S21-N6). The plants were already setting quite a few pods...(6-12 each)...which also surprised me.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Fields of Gold

Here are a couple of pics from this am. One shows the field south of my house. Fully tasseled and pretty much completely pollinated. The other pic shows an ear from that field. Looking at the ear it looks like pollination went great, about 38 kernels long and 18 rows stand in this field was around 31,750. It is important that the roots find plenty of nitrogen and water during the filling stage or else the plant will cannibalize the stalk and abort kernel, which can hurt yield severely.

I should also mention that in the field picture, the corn close to the house is a different hybrid than the corn further away.....that is the reason for the color change (tassels).

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Nice videos on Ag Reports Network

There are a few nice videos on the website from the past week.

Click on each farmers tack to view individual videos, or click the yellow box on the left-hand side to open the "Latest Video Report"

I have a busy day of shingling planned, and will have a new video tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Talk about a down pour!

This is my driveway, has approximately 160 acres drains under it....most the time. The two 24" culverts could not keep up this morning.

SmartStax may be the real deal

On the left is a root ball from Agrigold 6309 Smart Stack variety, on the right is a root ball from Dekalb 52-59 VT3. Although overall root mass seems similar, what was surprising for me is the finer root hairs. The finer root hairs to me means better root growth, which means better nutrient uptake, which means better yields come fall. I have high hopes for my Smart Stacks corn.