Friday, April 30, 2010


Now that the crop is in, time the important things in life.

I got .3 inches of rain overnight with more expected today and tonight. A little more rain is welcome, another .3 inches or so.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Done planting.....pending emergence

I finished up with beans late last night. Feels good to be done.

Very windy today, and storms expected tonight with .1-.7 inches of rain in the forecast. It will be good to get a rain on the beans that may not have made it all the way into the soil through the heavy trash.

A nice pic of my corn. Some of the corn looks to have gotten a little frosted yesterday morning, but it looks very minor.

Monday, April 26, 2010


This corn was planted April 12th. Emerged in eleven days and is off to a good start. Hybrid is Agrigold 6325 VT3

The rest of this field is just spiking through. With a half inch of rain over the weekend, I am feeling a little more relaxed and less worried about seed sitting in dry soil. I still have 200 acres of corn that needs to be sprayed before it emerges, but the colder weather this week will slow the seed germination speed, so i should have enough time to get the treatment on.

Friday, April 23, 2010

DONE....with corn

Plant in the dust...and the bins will bust.

A year ago I had 20 acres of corn in, this year I have 100% of my 570 acres of corn in. I plan to enjoy the few days of rain, and relax a little.......then switch my planter over to get ready to no-till my 80 acres of beans.

It has been a very busy, but ideal planting season. There are a lot of farmers in my area done, some have begun planting beans, but I want to wait until after this rain. Why hurry?

I have 200 acres of my corn ground that has not yet been sprayed with my recipe of 28% and Balance Pro, if we get and extended rain event this may be a worry, as I don't have anything on the ground to control weeds.

Don't forget to check out other farmer's progress at WWW.AGREPORTSNETWORK.COM

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

67% Done

Continued nice weather and just a few minor breakdowns have allowed me to keep a a steady pace. I have around 370 of my 570 acres of corn in and none of my 80 acres of beans in, but my goal is to simply get the rest of my corn in before the rains this Friday.

I had time to dig the first planted corn this morning. About an inch from peaking through, but with soil temps approaching 60, and this part of the field having adequate moisture, the first 12 acres could easily peak through this week yet.
Some of my later planted corn does not have enough moisture to germinate the seed, the rain will be a good thing for me.

Monday, April 19, 2010

33% done

I have 196 out of my 570ish acres of corn planted, beans I have all 80 acres left. Hopefully the second 2/3 goes easier than the first third.

Today I am putting the insecticide boxes on my planter due to my non-Bt refuge. I can't wait for RIB (refuge in a bag). It will make everything safer and easier.

Friday, April 16, 2010

A Little Planting Progress

I got 140 acres of corn in the ground before getting rained out....again. That puts me close to 25% done with corn, but I know I have a lot of work to do before I am ready to plant the rest.

Video will be posted later today on Ag Reports Network.

Notice there is now a link to take you directly to the newest videos. This makes it so that you don't need to "hunt" for them.

Good Luck to all.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Rained Out

Received .3 inches of rain yesterday.....A LOT, considering when I went to bed at 11:00 Sunday night there was a 30% chance of .1 inches or less.

Here are a couple pics of my 12 acres that I got planted. Seed is just starting to swell and the cold rain was the last thing it needed.The field is pretty soggy and it will take at least two days before I attempt to plant again. My biggest problem now is trying to decide whether to rework the rest of the field or not. The rain cooled the soil down and took a lot of the air out of it by saturating it. A fellow farmer told me his experience is"if they decided not to rework a field after a rain, it cost them 10 bu. of corn per acre come fall." That's a lot of yield, but it takes a lot of time and fuel.....I figure the soil finisher costs me $15 dollars per acres to run over my ground.
Time will tell what I decide to do, but the forecast may make the decision for me. (More rain in the forecast for Wednesday)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Finishing up with the Finisher (last night)

Got a start anyway

It was a rough morning, but I got 12 acres in before getting rained out.

List of things to fix:

Cable on row marker
Two gauge wheels that are stuck in the up position
One population sensor that is acting up
Two windshield wipers
Radar on tractor

Not bad for the first day

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dreams of Planting Corn

I worked up 110 acres with my soil finisher today, goal is to plant that field tomorrow...........pending the planter cooperates. The first day is usually plagued with break downs, but I should be prepared to fix about anything.

New video coming soon.