Friday, April 23, 2010

DONE....with corn

Plant in the dust...and the bins will bust.

A year ago I had 20 acres of corn in, this year I have 100% of my 570 acres of corn in. I plan to enjoy the few days of rain, and relax a little.......then switch my planter over to get ready to no-till my 80 acres of beans.

It has been a very busy, but ideal planting season. There are a lot of farmers in my area done, some have begun planting beans, but I want to wait until after this rain. Why hurry?

I have 200 acres of my corn ground that has not yet been sprayed with my recipe of 28% and Balance Pro, if we get and extended rain event this may be a worry, as I don't have anything on the ground to control weeds.

Don't forget to check out other farmer's progress at WWW.AGREPORTSNETWORK.COM

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